Our individual worlds have become a little smaller, and a little more insular. Communicating electronically has helped many of us stay connected. Suddenly, remaining virtually present with each other is vital.
Against this backdrop, our Bridgewater team has had an epiphany. Even as we return to more face-to-face interaction, it’s time we start sharing more online.
Every day, we work with many people and families, in many specific life situations — planning futures, plotting careers, cementing legacies, selling businesses, navigating major life changes. You should benefit from all our first-hand learning and insights. After all, wouldn’t you rather learn the efficient way — through other people’s experiences — than the longer and potentially tougher route — through your own?
Deep thoughts, delivered quickly
Our plan with “Dig Deeper” is to add color and depth to our dialogue, and help keep you current. We’ll address important personal and financial topics with potential to make you think, “Hey, I never thought of that. Now I’m aware, and I have ideas about what to do.”
Because we’re all swimming in information, our entries will be quick and concise. If you want, any one of them can turn into a deeper discussion. At the end of each entry, we’ll list the team members who contributed. With a simple click, we invite you to reach out to them and ask questions or initiate a dialogue.
We look forward to deepening our virtual relationship with you, and sharing with you the fruits of our insights and experience — when and if you need them.