Every life stage presents unique challenges

Many aspects of the work we do are consistent across all phases of our clients’ lives. Yet within each stage lurks a distinct set of challenges and issues. We can help you navigate them all. We’re also intimately acquainted with the specialized needs of another type of client — nonprofit organizations.

Balancing career and family

Many Bridgewater clients are grappling with the dual demands of work and a growing family. This is a beautiful but often exhausting time of life, when there are simply too few hours in the day. We help these clients deal successfully with:

  • Investment management
  • College savings plans
  • Tax management
  • Retirement savings plans
  • Debt management
  • Health care management
  • Mortgage debt

Mid-career maneuvers and moving into retirement

As kids grow and become independent, our clients’ careers continue to evolve. We provide a strategic sounding board for helping them get what they want out of life. As they transition into retirement, or semi-retirement, we help them orchestrate:

  • Management and oversight of their portfolios
  • Tax planning
  • Estate planning and family gifts
  • Review of insurance coverage and annuities
  • Charitable contributions and philanthropic planning
  • Assessment of Social Security and health care options
  • Evaluation of retirement communities for parents or themselves

Launching the next generation smoothly

We often get involved with the children of our older clients at the point when they’re through with college and embarking on their careers. Typically at this stage they’ve accumulated more debt than they have financial assets. We help them get a handle on:

  • Student loans, car loans and other personal debt
  • Vacation debt management
  • Wedding debt
  • Possible mortgage debt
  • Retirement savings through the workplace
  • Initial steps toward investing for the long-term

Nonprofits have unique challenges, too

Our nonprofit clients have a special place in our hearts. Like our individual and family clients, they have very specific needs that, when managed intelligently, can lead to a rush of clarity and gratifying outcomes. We use our expertise in this area to help them:

  • Manage different accounts to meet specific mandates, including operating, capital appreciation, and retirement plans for the organization
  • Craft and monitor Investment Policy Statements (IPS ) to ensure they provide appropriate guidelines to meet the objectives of specific organizational accounts
  • Meet with investment and finance committees to address spending policy and funding needs
  • Prepare timely reports that meet the specific reporting requirements of the organization
  • Provide information to auditors and accountants as requested